Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The flower was to be bloomed – Sahan Atulugama

Spending many hard days 
With the sun, rains, storms and winds. 
A flower needed to bloom, 
With hopes held high. 
I use to watch the flower, 
Waving with mild winds 
As if it is telling me… 
“I’m going to bloom tomorrow, 
Please come and see me my friend… ” 
As the time went by… 
Dusk filled the vicinity, 
With gloom hidden beneath a rusty sky. 
Whistles of birds, voices of the squirrels, faded away… 
The Darkness engulfed the night. 
It was almost calm and quiet 
Till winds grew up inviting thick showers 
I went to bed, since tomorrow was close… 
In a few minutes, I was far asleep… 
The alarm rang, time to rise and shine… 
I got up to give the sleep a rest, 
To wander with the morning songs… 
Of robins, starlings and sparrows. 
And as I stepped out, there I saw 
Garden was with leaves spread everywhere 
The air was thick and the sky was dark 
I wandered along the garden paths 
To see the flower that invited me 
To enjoy the color, the fragrance it promised me 
Anxiousness and uncertainty 
Were the two thoughts, started ruling me 
I saw no flower but just the stalk 
Waving with the wind nature has brought 
The flower lied dead, with mud on the ground 
To hopelessness and helplessness it was bound 
An epiphany I had, let me share with you 
Life’s but an actor acting when told to 
Whatever may be the rhapsody we bring… 
We sing the song until the song is sung..

Friday, March 29, 2013

The flower was to be bloomed – Sahan Atulugama

Spending many hard days     With the sun, rains, storms and winds.  A flower needed to bloom,  With hopes held high.  I use to watch the flo...